The sanctuary of the Three Fountains and St. Paul’s outside the Walls basilica

In this itinerary we are going to follow the steps of Saint Paul, who was martyred outside the city around 67 AD. According to the tradition, at the moment of his beheading, Saint Paul’s head bounced three times on the ground and it generated miracoulosly three water springs. Those three springs are the cornerstone of the Sanctuary of the Three Fountains, an extraordinary Trappist monastic complex in which, wrapped in a magic silence, we can visit three churches from different periods and styles and revel with delicious chocolate and beer produced by the friars.

Following Saint Paul, we are going to move from the place of his martyrdom to his burial place, along the via Ostiense. The tomb of the Apostle became one of the most important places of pilgrimage in the city and above it the majestic Pontifical Basilica was built, now containing priceless treasures of art, as the wooden door from the 11th century, the medieval ciborium, the mosaics in the apse and the complete series of the portraits of the Popes from Saint Peter on.

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