St. Peter’s in Chains and St. Martin ai Monti Basilicas

The basilica of St. Peter in Chains stands next to the remains of the Domus Aurea, emperor Nero’s magnificent palace, and it owns his name to the fact it preserves the chains that, according tradition, chained St. Peter up during his captivity in Jerusalem and Rome; they were transferred to Rome by the matron Licinia Eudossia, who built the church later. Inside the basilica we can admire the monumental tomb that Michelangelo sculpted for Pope Julius II, on which the famous statue of Moses is located.

The church of St. Martin ai Monti, amazing exemple of XVII century architecture, contains the remains of a building from the III century AD, which turned into a worship place at the time of Pope Silvester and where we can enjoy beautiful medieval mosaics and frescoes.

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