Following Caravaggio’s footprints

Our walk will take us to the discovery of the life and the art works of Michelangelo Merisi, called Caravaggio, who revolutionized his time painting thanks to a dramatic and innovative use of light and to the adoption of models taken from the street, as baggers and prostitutes.

We’ll start from St. Mary of the People, where in the Cerasi Chapel we can enjoy the Crucifixion of St. Peter and the Conversion of Saul. Then we’ll go on via di Ripetta and we’ll arrive to St. Augustine, where we’ll admire the Madonna of Pilgrims, cosidered even scandalous at his time and today celebrated as one of the highest moments in Baroque art.

At the end we’ll get to St. Luois of the French People, where, in the Contarelli Chapel, we can find three different paintings: St. Mattew’s calling, St. Mattew the Evangelist and the Martyrdom of St. Mattew.

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