With this two days itinerary we’ll go to discover the ancient cities which were buried by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD. We’ll start from Pompeii, where we’ll enjoy the impressive relics of the city with its theatres, its shops, its buildings, its spa and its warehouses, discovering how Pompeians used to live when the volcan devastated the area. At the end of the tour we’ll enjoy a delicious lunch and a bit of relax in a local winery, where we’ll have a tasting of local wines, among which the famous lacryma Christi. In the afternoon we’ll visit the amazing Archaeological Parcok of Oplontis, where there are extraordinary frescoes from the ancient Roman times.

On the following days we’ll visit the two jewels of Stabia: Villa Arianna and Villa San Michele. In this way we’ll visit the places where the members of the upper and wealthiest classes used to spend their vacations and to dedicate themselves to the Latin otium, absorbed in philosophy studies and in breath-taking landscapes.

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