A two days itinerary made for discovering colors, flavours and perfumes from the Middle Ages. As we arrive to Anagni we’ll go to visit Boniface VIII’s palace, a wonderful medieval building which was the residence of various popes and where the dispute between pope Boniface and the king of France Philip IV. Then we’ll enjoy St. Mary’s Cathedral and St. Magnus crypt, decorated by amazing frescos and considered the “Sixtine chapel of the Middle Ages”. During our walk we’ll admire also the Churches of St. Andrew, St. Angel and St. Pancratius, Barnekow Palace (where Dante Alighieri probably was hosted) and the Town Hall with its elegant “Loggetta del Banditore” and Chamber of Right. On the day after we’ll re-experience a bit of the Medieval atmosphere starting with a walk in the woods looking for the treasure of this land: truffle. Loved by Etruscans and by Romans, during Middle ages it was considered the Devil’s food and it was believed to be poisonous: luckily today we appreciate all its qualities! Our truffle hunting will end with a small tasting in a local little farm. In the afternoon we’ll discover the ancient art of falconry, which was practised by noble men all around Europe during the Middle ages.

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