A walk from the Spanish Square to piazza Navona

Our pleasant walk starts in piazza di Spagna, where Roman Baroque reveals itself in one of its monumental expressions, whith the staircase climbing up to the church of Trinità dei Monti and, at its feet, the Barcaccia fountain, made by Pietro and Gian Lorenzo Bernini.

Then we’ll go on to the magnificent Trevi Fountain, celebrated by numerous movies and a mandatory stop for all tourists in Rome. From here we’ll move to St. Ignatius’ church, amazing exemple of architecture during Counterreformation and where we’ll admire extraordinary frescoes and the famous “fake dome” made by Andrea Pozzo.

Walking towards the Pantheon, that connects amazingly the classical architectural plan and the late Reinassance and Baroque inner decoration, we’ll arrive to St. Louis of the French People’s church, where we can enjoy the three paintings of St. Mattews’ cycle by Caravaggio, and to St. Ivo alla Sapienza, a real masterpiece by Francesco Borromini.

Our tour will end in piazza Navona, dominated by the Fountain of the Four Rivers by Bernini and by the elegant church of St. Agnes in Agone by Borromini.

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